Shiva rea 为瑜伽课程注入了艺术的美感与全新的活力,她的 “prana vinyasa flow yoga”让身体在瑜伽的律动中寻找内在的平衡,“yoga trance dance”——瑜伽的舞动,动态的冥想,帮助我们唤醒身体内部潜藏的记忆,是全新的体验……
Shiva Rea in Asia 2006 (Hong Kong) An enriching week of practice, discussion, training and dance
Through Shiva Rea's teachings, she made us understand that we are two thirds water and very fluid. Also, our bodies, like the natural world, pulse as well as move. The principles of Shiva's offerings are based upon Krishnamacharya's teachings of vinyasa, and combined with an understanding of the fluid body and the movements of prana. She showed us how to layer our practice and teaching to create fluid movement and encourage creativity. We moved from the simple to the complex. We learned that we can create vinyasa krama, or stages, that prepare our students for any pose. You could then add some "key pulses" to each vinyasa krama. These pulses are movements that help align the body more deeply into the pose. It's a way to draw energy in towards the core and then to extend it out through the legs, arms and crown of the head.
Shiva Rea