这两天在看Erich Schiffmann 的《Yoga------The Spirit and Practice of Moving Into Stillness》一书,觉得里面的一段话比较经典,录下来和大家一起分享。并请有兴趣的同学翻成中文看看。
Erich Schiffmann on the practice of Yoga
The purpose of Yoga is to facilitate the profound inner relaxation that accompanies fearlessness. The release from fear is what finally precipitates the full flowering of love. In this state you will love what you see in others, and others will love you for having been seen. This is the softened perception of the world that yoga promotes.
Therefore, the apparently simple benefits that accrue from the regular practice of yoga can change your life in very profound ways. Do not underestimate the value of being balanced, centered, and coordinated, of being strong and light, of being more flexible, without pain, experiencing the subsequent feelings of invisibility or transparency, and of being more sensitive……
Yoga will make you sensitive to the stillness, the presence, the hush, the peace of God. This deep inner stillness is at the core of your being. It is the ground, the joy of your being. The radiant peace you’ll experience is what happens naturally when the creative energy of God is allowed to flow through you unobstructed.
Yoga is a way of moving into stillness in order to experience the truth of who you are.
The practice of yoga is the practice of meditation--or inner listening-- in the poses and meditations, as well as all day long.
It's a matter of listening inwardly for guidance all the time, and then daring enough and trusting enough to do as you are prompted to do......
。。。。。。。。 The purpose of Yoga is to facilitate the profound inner relaxation that accompanies fearlessness.
瑜伽的目的在于培育深刻的内在舒逸和随之而来的无所畏惧。字面上基本是这个 意思。闻风作这样的理解:
profound之所以有别于deep,是因为它是多维的,不仅深,而且广,更有全面完 整的意味。inner 在这里,也不仅仅指内心,而且还包括了身体。相对人自身之 外的世界而言。为什么用facilitate而不是develop 或者help get之类的,就如 Iyengar说, My body is the altar, my poses are the prayers。瑜伽通过体 式,呼吸,冥想来达到内心的平静安宁。由内心和身体的安宁详和而产生无所畏 惧的精神境界,犹如《心经》上说的:心无挂碍,无挂碍故,无有恐怖。 The release from fear is what finally precipitates the full flowering of love.
上面这句话很有想象力和美感,也带着很多的哲学意味。一旦人心免于恐惧的束缚,爱就会 像盛开中的花儿一样降临。这样说,好像还是没有表达出其中的韵味。常见描述花朵盛开是 bloomimg,blossom等等,这里用flowering来描述爱的鲜美芬芳充盈柔润,如情窦初开的少 女感受到的初恋。precipitate的应用更称托了爱的轻盈飘忽柔软不易掌握。
It's a matter of listening inwardly for guidance all the time, and then daring enough and trusting enough to do as you are prompted to do....
trusting enough,闻风理解为,有足够的信心。有没有人认真想过“信心”这个 词汇的构成?信心,他信心很大,要有信心,自信心,大家要有信心,中文的表达 和英文的是有距离的。一般我们把英文中的 confidence 理解为信心,自信心就是 self-confidence。但是,所谓信心,实际上早先应该是指有“信”的“心”。在 你的心里是相信的,确信的,信服的,也可以说,你是“心诚”的。
prompt,这个词在这里真是很妙。有没有听说过这样的表达方法?比如说:“管他 呢,该干什么就干什么吧!”“顺其自然吧,该干什么干什么。”“别傻了,那个 人不值得你那么等,你该干什么就去干什么好了,”什么叫该干什么就干什么?这 里的prompt就是这样的涵义。有兴趣的同学可以查一下这个词的本意,对照一下, 或许会发现其中的意趣。